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Random thoughts about Riches and F.I.R.E.

Random thoughts about Riches and F.I.R.E.

What are riches? A youtube video channel titles 15 steps to Never be Poor Again.They state “it takes 3 years to go from poverty to middle class…then it takes 7 years to go from mediocrity to financial freedom” In the Financial Independence Retire Early (F.I.R.E.)community podcasts I have heard this as well over and over again. They just don’t state it the same way. (10 years or less). Declaration of potential riches, alux makes motivational videos where as they say at the beginning of each of them, “where future billionaires come to get inspired.” What are you on track to become? Are you on track to become a thousand-aire, a millionaire, a billionaire, or trillion-aire, etc. As I said what are you riches? What’s to say within 10yrs the track to financial freedom awaits you. Whether or not that is true it might be worth the effort to run some numbers to see you come close to billionaire status within the next decade or two with all your strategies. What is the worse case scenario? Well you plan you could have much more and end up being wrong? But it won’t happen if and when you don’t go for the thing anyway. Where to head to next in financial status. Are you going to go to one of the many people calling themselves millionaire maker? Does it work? Do you work? (not employment) I mean does your money work for you? Does what you do to become rich work for you? If so, great! If not-maybe do some research on what to do not. has many youtube videos- some slightly offensive titles but if you can stomach it, it can help. There are many videos to choose from

Rosette Jones.

15 ways to make a million dollars

15 things rich people do

15 steps to Never be poor again

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